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Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 8:06 PM

Hi.. Jennifer here. Gonna write a little about of trip to Science Centre.
My recordings on ESCHERICHIA COLI = E. COLI

1 We were just given gloves. I wore it straight away and I feel like a dentist especially with the lab coat!!

2 I just put some bacteria into my tube. The bacteria stinks by the way. And i repeat, it STINKS!!phew.

3 We just put some 'soap' in the tube. We shaked it a little and the trainer asked us to close the caps and heat it up. Roxanne brought it to the heating place which the thing was as hot as 65 degree. It looked like a rice cooker! haah no offence :S

4 We just did a DNA Puzzle and i realised that it was Joanne, Grace and Roxanne who did all the fixing. haha

5 We just watched a clip. Now we are sending a representative to get the tubes back. Joanne went. When Roxanne saw it, she said, "Oh my! Its Cooked!" and Joanne is now smelling it. phew!

6 We put ethanol into the tube and, we saw the bacteria. We used a satay stick to 'dig' the bacteria out. It looked like mucus to me! EW! We also just took out the gloves and, my hands stink! even until this moment i am writing this blog!

7 We just did this DNA sructure 'fixture'. Now everybody is trying to put their DNA structure into the string but Ms Loo did it in the end.

My findings...

D E [OXY] {R I B O} (N U C L E I C)

DE =Less
OXY = Oxygen
RIBO = Ribose - Glucose
NUCLEIC = Nucleus

ATGC = A - adenine
= T - thymine
= G - guanine
= C - cytosine

Number of chromosomes in living things.
Human = 46
Chicken = 78 (OMG! its so small and has more than us!)
Housefly = 12
Corn = 40
Apple = 34
Dog = 78
Rat = 40
Cat = 38
Pea = 14

How similar are we with other living(or non-living) things? You'll find out!

Yeast - 30%
Roundworm - 40%
Banana - 50% (Guess what?I said it was 100%! hahaha)
Housefly - 60%
Mouse - 90%
Chimpanzee - 94-98% NO! i wanna it to be 100% :D Look at Joanne and ask her to do the chimpanzee look. Its really funny!

G ( 3 DOTTED LINES) C < Strong!! strong bonds to be exact :s

Ok... Real updates for today.

We watched 2 versions of Romeo and Juliet already. And have to do a review. Omg! I haven do! lOL.
BB I lazy write..